티스토리 뷰


InformixHQ Webcast Q/A

pajama 2019. 6. 28. 13:12

안녕하세요. 6월 25일에 InformixHQ 웨비나가 있었습니다. InformixHQ에 대해 소개하는 내용이었습니다.

요즘은 웹으로 하는 세미나가 대세인 것 같습니다. 특히 요즘과 같은 더운 날씨에는 밖으로 이동하지 않고 실내에서 편히 세미나를 청취할 수 있어서 좋네요. 게다가 세미나 내용에 대해 질문할 내용을 글로 입력하니 피드백도 훨씬 효율적인 것 같습니다.


서론이 길었습니다만 웨비나에서 있었던 질문들을 공유하려고 합니다.

아래에 보시면 그날의 질문들입니다. IBM Knowledge Center에 설명되지 않은 여러 부문의 질문이 많았습니다.

저도 두개의 질문을 올렸습니다.


which ports are needed?

InformixHQ is a web server/application, it requires a port for HTTP connections and/or a port for HTTPS connections if SSL is enabled. Both these ports are configurable.


And what ports are needed to the Agents to communicate with the InformixHQ ?

Agents communicate with InformixHQ on the same HTTP/HTTPS port(s) using a Websocket.


How much space should I keep where I host the HQ server ?

InformixHQ itself is a ~25MB Java jar file, with a tiny (under 1MB) local database to support itself. Most of the space will be used by monitored/historical data InformixHQ collects and stores. This data can be stored in an Informix database of your choice. It can be stored on any number of Informix instances, all configurable. Data used by historical data depends on what you are monitoring and what rate you are monitoring it.


IS there any automatic housekeeping for the repository? Aggregation of older metrics ?

We do not aggregate old data automatically yet, no. We only delete old data after a configurable time period.


Can I install agent on a different host than INFORMIX engine host?

Yes, the agent can run on a different machine than the Informix instance it's monitoring, but it will be limited. Only monitors that run over JDBC connections will be available. Local/OS-level monitors (CPU, Memory Usage, etc.) will not be available.


Is InformixHQ compatible with Informix 11.50 and 11.70?

InformixHQ supports 11.70, but not 11.50.

11.50 버전은 EOS(End of Support) 상태라 지원되지 않는 것 같습니다.


Can the agent collect os metrics from non linux OSes ?

We only support Linux right now. We also plan to support AIX, HP, and Solaris in the next release. Other OS-es are on our roadmap.

이 부분은 저도 궁금한 내용이었는데, 제가 AIX환경에서 테스트했을때 리포지터리 데이터베이스에 OS 모니터링 데이터 수집 테이블이 일부 생성되지 않았습니다.


email Alarms are possible?

Yes, InformixHQ can send alerts via email.


Can you enter multiple email addresses for sending alerts?

We don't support that right now. An InformixHQ user can only specify one email address to receive alerts at. You would need multiple InformixHQ users for that right now.


is it possible to create a own user for InformixHQ instead of using the "super user" Informix ?

We recommend it! For monitoring Informix we only require you to create a user that can read the sysmaster database. For administration, you need a DBSA user (sysadmin, Admin API access, etc.). The user informix is an easy choice, but we don't stop you from creating your own user. This is documented in the InformixHQ docs.


Do I have to use the Informix 12.10 version for the repository database?

You must have at least 12.10xC4 or higher (InformixHQ requires the BSON datatype) to store repository data

제가 한 질문인데요. 리포지터리용 데이터베이스는 BSON 데이터타입을 사용하는 테이블이 생성되어야해서 12.10.xC4 버전을 사용해야 한다고 하네요.


Does is show Top running SQLs in terms of memory/cpu utilization at any moment ?

We don't show that right now, no. But we have a SQL Tracing feature on a roadmap that includes the feature you are looking for.

기능 추가에 대한 요청이 간혹 보였습니다.


Is this Meeting recorded? Can i download it later?

Marc, this event is being recorded and it should be available tomorrow...


can the email address be a distribution list? Meaning a generic outlook / notes email address which sends email to a group of users who are part of the distribution list?

It should work. As I understand it, a distribution list is essentially an email address. The distribution is handled by applications like Outlook. InformixHQ shouldn't have a problem with that.


is it possible to implement my own tasks or sensors?

Yes, you will be able to create your own SQL-based sensors in the next release.


Webcast Q&A

Submit your questions in this submission box to get your questions answered!


Who do we talk to about pricing?

Charles - InformixHQ is not separately priced or licensed. You get it as part of 14.10.xC1 and newer and 12.10.xC13 and newer versions of the Informix product


Can I see the sql information that caused the lock in real time?

As far as I know, InformixHQ does not have a dedicated feature for that.

이것도 제가 한 질문입니다. lock 모니터링 정보도 좀 나왔으면 했는데 아쉽네요.


will the future version of HQ include capabilities like compression / repack / shrink / defragment - these are available on OAT?

Most, if not all, OAT features are on our roadmap and will be available in future releases.


The local database for HQ is always created in the directory from where HQ is started ?



from where we could download the presentation?

Marcelo - the recording should be available tomorrow


HQ whether gives the Query tuning advisor for existing SQL Queries in analyzing Explain plan.

We do not do this right now. This looks like a feature request.


궁금한 점이 바로바로 해소되어서 좋은 시간이었습니다. 대신 미국 동부 표준시(EDT) 기준으로 웨비나가 진행되어서 밤12시에 봐야하는 점은 어쩔 수 없었지만요.


다음에도 새로운 내용의 웨비나가 꾸준히 열리길 기대해봅니다.
