
rlwrap으로 dbaccess 편하게 사용하기

pajama 2020. 3. 26. 22:12

안녕하세요. IBM 커뮤니티에서 DBACCESS_COLUMNS 환경변수에 대한 질문을 올렸다가

Benjamin Thompson의 답변을 통해 rlwrap (readline wrapper) 이라는 유틸리티를 알게 되었습니다.

사실 알려진지는 꽤 된 것 같습니다만 저는 뒤늦게 알게되었네요 ^^;

리눅스나 유닉스용으로 설치패키지가 제공되네요. 리눅스의 경우는 yum 같은 툴을 이용해 설치하실 수 있습니다.


아래는 rlwrap을 이용해서 dbaccess를 실행한 과정입니다.

[informix@db2 ids1410fc3]$ alias dbaccess='DBACCESS_COLUMNS=1024 rlwrap dbaccess'
[informix@db2 ids1410fc3]$ dbaccess stores_demo -

Database selected.

> select * from customer;

customer_num fname           lname           company              address1             address2             city            state zipcode phone

         101 Ludwig          Pauli           All Sports Supplies  213 Erstwild Court                        Sunnyvale       CA    94086   408-789-8075
         102 Carole          Sadler          Sports Spot          785 Geary St                              San Francisco   CA    94117   415-822-1289
         103 Philip          Currie          Phil's Sports        654 Poplar           P. O. Box 3498       Palo Alto       CA    94303   415-328-4543
         104 Anthony         Higgins         Play Ball!           East Shopping Cntr.  422 Bay Road         Redwood City    CA    94026   415-368-1100
         105 Raymond         Vector          Los Altos Sports     1899 La Loma Drive                        Los Altos       CA    94022   415-776-3249
         106 George          Watson          Watson & Son         1143 Carver Place                         Mountain View   CA    94063   415-389-8789
         107 Charles         Ream            Athletic Supplies    41 Jordan Avenue                          Palo Alto       CA    94304   415-356-9876
         108 Donald          Quinn           Quinn's Sports       587 Alvarado                              Redwood City    CA    94063   415-544-8729
         109 Jane            Miller          Sport Stuff          Mayfair Mart         7345 Ross Blvd.      Sunnyvale       CA    94086   408-723-8789
         110 Roy             Jaeger          AA Athletics         520 Topaz Way                             Redwood City    CA    94062   415-743-3611
         111 Frances         Keyes           Sports Center        3199 Sterling Court                       Sunnyvale       CA    94085   408-277-7245
         112 Margaret        Lawson          Runners & Others     234 Wyandotte Way                         Los Altos       CA    94022   415-887-7235
         113 Lana            Beatty          Sportstown           654 Oak Grove                             Menlo Park      CA    94025   415-356-9982
         114 Frank           Albertson       Sporting Place       947 Waverly Place                         Redwood City    CA    94062   415-886-6677
         115 Alfred          Grant           Gold Medal Sports    776 Gary Avenue                           Menlo Park      CA    94025   415-356-1123
         116 Jean            Parmelee        Olympic City         1104 Spinosa Drive                        Mountain View   CA    94040   415-534-8822
         117 Arnold          Sipes           Kids Korner          850 Lytton Court                          Redwood City    CA    94063   415-245-4578
         118 Dick            Baxter          Blue Ribbon Sports   5427 College                              Oakland         CA    94609   415-655-0011
         119 Bob             Shorter         The Triathletes Club 2405 Kings Highway                        Cherry Hill     NJ    08002   609-663-6079
         120 Fred            Jewell          Century Pro Shop     6627 N. 17th Way                          Phoenix         AZ    85016   602-265-8754
         121 Jason           Wallack         City Sports          Lake Biltmore Mall   350 W. 23rd Street   Wilmington      DE    19898   302-366-7511
         122 Cathy           O'Brian         The Sporting Life    543 Nassau Street                         Princeton       NJ    08540   609-342-0054
         123 Marvin          Hanlon          Bay Sports           10100 Bay Meadows Ro Suite 1020           Jacksonville    FL    32256   904-823-4239
         124 Chris           Putnum          Putnum's Putters     4715 S.E. Adams Blvd Suite 909C           Bartlesville    OK    74006   918-355-2074
         125 James           Henry           Total Fitness Sports 1450 Commonwealth Av                      Brighton        MA    02135   617-232-4159
         126 Eileen          Neelie          Neelie's Discount Sp 2539 South Utica Str                      Denver          CO    80219   303-936-7731
         127 Kim             Satifer         Big Blue Bike Shop   Blue Island Square   12222 Gregory Street Blue Island     NY    60406   312-944-5691
         128 Frank           Lessor          Phoenix University   Athletic Department  1817 N. Thomas Road  Phoenix         AZ    85008   602-533-1817

28 row(s) retrieved.

> select * from customer;

rlwrap을 통해 dbaccess를 실행하면 프롬프트에서 화살표키를 사용해 이전에 수행한 문장을 불러올 수 있습니다.


또한 12.10.xC9 버전부터 dbaccess의 라인이 80자 이상 출력이 가능하도록 DBACCESS_COLUMNS라는 환경변수가 추가되었습니다. 이 기능을 dbaccess를 실행할 때 같이 응용하면 좋을 것 같네요.

